My Portfolio

Here I’m showcasing my skills in different areas… this page is still in progress, I am actively adding more stuff.

Demo for Selenium + Java + TestNG + Cucumber framework repository.

What I’m demonstrating there:

  • An automation flow that opens and collects all the web links to companies that have job ads for the “Quality Engineer” positions. It’s more of an automation flow demo rather than testing.
  • More testing-centered part – a feature file with testing scenarios in gherkin, page objects that are reused from automation flow, added step definitions, soft asserts, different element locators, etc.
Visit the GitHub repo (will open a new tab)

Demo for REST-assured + Java + Junit 5 testing framework

Demonstrated here:

  • Using REST-assured Java library to test different API requests such as GET, POST, PATCH, and DELETE.
  • The service used as a testing playground is:
Visit the GitHub repo (will open a new tab)

QA/QE/SDET work samples

Demonstrated here:

  • Testing documentation: Test Plan, Test Cases, Bug Reports
  • Automation used: API automation using Python, Poetry, requests, pytest
Visit the GitHub repo (will open a new tab)

API testing demo project using JavaScript

Demonstrated here:

  • API testing framework built with Node.js, Jest, Axios, ajv, libxmljs that is used to test different API requests such as GET, POST, PATCH, and DELETE.
  • The service used as a testing playground is:
Visit GitHub repo (will open a new tab)

More project demos to come…