
Today, after updating my Ubuntu 14.04.4 with a new kernel I found myself unable to run my VirtualBox guest machine. But, I wasn’t scared, since I did this many times before… To my surprise this time wasn’t the same… the command VirtualBox offered, this time threw an error!

That’s what I tried to do, and what was suggested by VirtualBox:

$ sudo /sbin/rcvboxdrv setup

The command prompt returned me:

Bad argument setup

Really?!?! I did this like hundred times before! What’s happened?!

So, I went to google it, and that is what I found:

I had to type this command to update my new kernel with VirtualBox modules:

$ sudo /usr/lib/virtualbox/vboxdrv.sh setup

And this did the trick for me!

Come on Oracle, this is a great product… I know it’s open source.. but change your error message, please! Your suggestion is a little outdated!

P.S. Thanks to askubuntu.com for the solution!

Hi everybody!

This is a new interesting post from Michael Bolton on his blog at developsense.com!

Over the last year James Bach and I have been refining our ideas about the relationships between testing and tools in Rapid Software Testing. The result is this paper. It’s not a short piece, because it’s not a light subject.


This is an interesting subject, definitely worth reading. Thanks Michael!